Download aMule 2020 Latest Version For Windows

aMule 2020 Latest Version - Download aMule for free, a fork of eMule, the popular P2P client, with the same functions and a few more: download videos, music and all sorts of files


aMule 2020 Latest Version  Reviews

P2P networks are a fantastic method to download videos, music and any other kind of contents. aMule is a fork of the popular P2P software eMule developed to work on all platforms and operating systems, offering basically the same features, including support for Kademlia and eDonkey networks. Client similar to eMule with support for multiple platforms and operating systems. As well as including all the features of eMule, this program adds other new features. Features Free software that allows you to download all kinds of contents: videos and films, music, documents, programs, games... Carry out searches from the same interface over both global and local servers as well as Kad networks. Use 'ed2k://' links found over the Internet to download. Locate the best sources to download the files. Credit system for uploaders that offers advantages while you use the program. Allows you to transfer compressed files and use servers for a greater download speed. Support for proxy servers. Amule Daemon, bare version with hardly any CPU and memory load, ideal for servers or to control the application remotely. Includes amulecmd, command line version. Assign bandwidth to share it between all the files that you upload and share them. Preview the downloads. Includes a chat system to speak with other users. PHP support for aMule Web. Includes several skins to customize its aspect. Download from anywhere aMule will offer you several ways to use its features remotely, whether using aMule Daemon or with aMuleWeb and amulwebDLG, its graphical interface. A simple Internet connection and a browser will be enough for you to control its activity remotely. You'll feel at home Its interface is very familiar and rather comfortable to use, with specific sections for the servers available (on which you will be able to find free amule servers), file search, file transfer and download, the messages and statistics window... aMule 2.2.6 was a great success, but you should try out the latest updates, because each day it's more complete and with better improvements. There are many ways to download files from the Internet but, at the moment, P2P software is the most secure and stable alternative. Download aMule for free and you'll have a P2P download client based on eMule, with the same features and even additional options that complement the software.

aMule 2020 For Windows Details

aMule 2020 Latest Version Icon

  • Software Name : aMule
  • Software Description : P2P download client that's based on eMule
  • Software Version : Latest Version
  • License : FREE
  • Operating System : Windows

Download aMule 2020 Latest Version For Windows

If you're looking for aMule 2020 Latest Version For Windows, You have come to the right place. You can download aMule 2020 Latest Version for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Apps

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